Luis Farias

NYC Creative + Production Expert

Crafting visuals that resonate, from iconic moments like New Years Eve to the elegance of Michelin Star Awards. With a flair for audio engineering, technical directing, and immersive graphics, I help tell your story. Off the clock? Catch me playing pickup ⚽️. Let's create something memorable.

Live Production

From concert venues to public stages, big events with millions of eyes? Yup, sometimes that's me. Working with high profile brands and talent, cool as a cucumber. Huge nerd who loves vMix and Touchdesigner and everything in-between!

Audio Engineering

On TikTok and Instagram, my dry humor thrives — it's all in the setup, really. Amassing a lifetime engagement of over 6 million likes both personally and professionally, I've crafted content that resonates, spanning digital to print; helping brands keep it real where authenticity remains key.

Social Media Production

Photos are metaphors, making the abstract concrete and mystifying the mundane. Be clear, be confident, and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself.